The Last Post

After several months of careful consideration, I have decided to end The Reforming Trombonist blog. When I first started writing here twelve years ago, my work, family, and life situations were such that I could maintain a near-weekly writing schedule. I sustained that pace for quite a while, but over time my various responsibilities increased to the point that my posting here became too infrequent to sustain a regular and committed readership. Additionally, podcasts and various video platforms now occupy the space that was then dominated by blogs like this one, so interest is simply not as great as it once was. With the time for domain renewal fast approaching, this seemed like an opportune time to bring things to a close.

While I suppose I could simply stop writing and leave all of the articles in place for the future, I’d rather not allow this material to languish in a forgotten corner of the internet, to be occasionally stumbled upon and perhaps ridiculed as the equivalent of the “Frontpage 98” sites one sometimes encounters today. Besides, I have every intention of taking the better material from the 300+ articles that were here and submit them for publication in other print or online media, or place them on my faculty website at Ole Miss. After all, one of the key purposes of this blog was to develop ideas that could one day be submitted for publication elsewhere. I have occasionally done that over the past twelve years, and look forward to finding new homes with perhaps wider distribution for some of these articles.

If you are here looking for a particular article and are disappointed to find it no longer available, send me an email and I will be glad to send a copy to you.

To those who have been regular readers here, thanks for your support and interest. This has been an enjoyable outlet for me, and I am glad that a few people have found it helpful over the years.

About Micah Everett

Micah Everett is Professor of Low Brass at the University of Mississippi, Principal Trombonist of the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, Interim Music Director at College Hill Presbyterian Church, and an S.E. Shires trombone artist. He is the author of THE LOW BRASS PLAYER'S GUIDE TO DOUBLING, published by Mountain Peak Music, and released two solo recordings, STEPPING STONES FOR BASS TROMBONE, VOLS. 1 and 2, on the Potenza Music label in 2015 and 2022, respectively. In addition to his professional work, he maintains an avid interest in the study of the Bible and theology. He holds doctoral and master's degrees in music from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, a bachelor's degree in music education from Delta State University, and a certificate in systematic theology from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
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